John and I went to Morehead City/Beaufort/Atlantic Beach this weekend. Our friend Rochelle got MARRIED Saturday. They had a beautiful ceremony at a church. Roh wore a tea length white dress with purple peap-toe shoes. At the reception afterwords she changed into purple chucks. It was awesome. They had these nice little white mints with sugar on them that were delicious, oh and OREO COOKIE BALLS!! My favorite :) That night John and I went for a walk in Beaufort and ate at a restaurant were we had flaming cheese :) Literally they lit our cheese on FIRE!
The next day was rainy and chilly. We went out to the ocean for a little while but it was cold and very windy. We didn't stay there long. We went to the aquarium as well. There was a neat exhibit where they went diving with the sharks. John really really wanted to go diving with them. My new camera is kicking butt. It took some really good pictures of the jellies :) We ate lunch in Beaufort, walked around a little bit and then headed home.
Over all it was a WONDERFUL weekend. We need to get away more often.
On a sad note, when we got home our eggs were MISSING! I mean gone, no shells, goo, anything. I will kill the snake that swallowed them whole!
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