Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Cleaning

John is gone out of town again, so my spring cleaning got put on hold yesterday due to anger. I restarted today by changing out sheets and washing. It's ridiculous how much I enjoy cleaning, organizing, and straightening. It has to be my mothers' fault. She always kept things neat. She would re-straighten magazines that I just cleaned ;)

John and I have a really nice apartment, but as with all apts storage is an issue. We have a lot of things that we want for the future, but with no place to keep it now. The closet in our guest bedroom is filled to the brim with stuff. John has a lot of art supplies, that we do NOT want to get rid of. I just need a better way to store it. I have a lot of craft/sewing supplies, with no where to put my sewing machine. (BTW I need a new one.) I want some attic space to put decorations from Christmas, extra art supplies, and books. We have a lot of things stored at my parents house in their basement. I want a basement :). Actually I would love a house.

Speaking of houses, we are in the process of saving for a house. We have looked online for houses within our budget, but we are nowhere near ready to buy. We would like to put at least 10% down. (More would be better.) We are actually doing pretty well saving, about 1/3 of the way there. If you have suggestions on saving or house buying, please let us know!

Well I really need to keep cleaning. I know this was kinda a boring blog, but it's my first. I'm sure you will hear plenty of drama and fun coming out of this posting int he future.


  1. good post! i would love a house myself. i need a house just for my quilting stuff

  2. Agreed on the storage baby, really need a place I can start piling up more magazines and comics ;) You're awesome and can't wait to read more :)
