On to talking about coffee again...
John and I went to Costco last week and picked up a new coffee. I have decided to go half and half with caffeine now, so the other half is just decaf Kirkland store brand. We tried Don Pablo, family owned and operated. I like it, a lot! It is a medium roast, very robust with flavor. I love it black. I can drink most coffee black, but it doesn't always mean I love it. Don Pablo is so good, I don't want to put anything in it at all. The taste is hard to place, it doesn't have a nutty or chocolate flavor. It is pure coffee. If you haven't tried it before, I recommend it. Pour you a cup or five and let me know what you think!
John and I don't have a lot going on this week. We are hoping to meet up with Sheena and Andrew later this week for dinner. I work the weekend. I think I have a lot of days coming up where I work 2-3 days and only have 2 off, work 2-3 and have 2 off. I prefer having more off in a row, at least 3, so I can get more done and feel rested. John has stayed steady at work, thank you Jesus! Last year during the winter, their work slacked off and he only worked 3-4 days a week. This winter he had to ask for time off! I wish he could find more of a 9-5 type job. I know he still wants to teach. I'm just happy God has blessed us both with steady work. I'm ready for a house, and new furniture. I wanna paint and make a home. It will come, I know it will. I need to learn some patience!
Thanks to everyone who prayed for Ashley. God made one special little girl! Hopefully she will keep healthy, no more seizures, and no more worries...
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