We had a great weekend. I worked Friday, but Friday night Natalie came over and we ate pizza, talked, and watched some office. John and I rang the New Year's in cuddling in bed! We stayed up late watching more Office and snacking. Saturday we got to sleep in before heading to Sal's restaurant to meet up with family. Brother John and Becky were heading back to Chicago the next morning, and we decided to have one last lunch together. It was good to spend time with them during Christmas, we don't get to see them enough. Later Saturday we went to Anitra's to eat a traditional New Year's day dinner. Let me just say, her cornbread is amazing. I would eat it for 3 meals a day.
Yesterday was another Memaw Sunday. Brittany brought her Wii and Janice brought Just Dance 2. We danced and played all afternoon. My knees are so sore. John told me it probably was a bad idea to dance holding a 30lb. baby. It was awesome, I want Just Dance now!
Oh and just a side note. I have had the most trouble with AT&T last year. Currently they won't let me get my mom off my plan. She started her own plan with Dad and Allyson, but they are making it soooo difficult to get her off mine and onto their own. I mean REALLY! I have told them when my contract is up, I'm switching to Verizon. I just don't understand why it has to be so complicated. Why are we charged for minutes, texting and such. Think about your land-line. You aren't charged for minutes there, long distance yes, but not just minutes. These companies are making sooo much money on something that costs them 0.001 cents. Ugggggghhhhh!
Oh and Noelle spent the night with us Saturday night, went to church and Memaw's with us. She is such a cutie and so well behaved. Love that girl!
I decided for this year instead of making a New Year's resolution. I would pick a word to live by for the year. My word is 'relationship'. I need to concentrate on my relationship with God. I am a Christian, but I don't have a daily communication with God. So throughout the year, I am going to work on this as well as my relationship with John. I love him so much, and want to show him this with everything I do.
What is your goal for the year?