My little cousins were adorable and had a blast! Baby Addyson wanted to see and touch everything. She especially liked the scare crows and their eyes lol.
Everyone enjoys the buffet style of eating, because they just keep going back for more and more.
Joseph claims he can perfectly roast a marshmallow. I disagree because I like mine burnt!
John was a good husband and he loves his wife :) He stoked the fire all day, especially when it was time for s'mores.
Overall it was so much fun. One of the best parts of the night was playing hide and seek and sardines. Natalie would only play if we played sardines, so she didn't have to run. Unfortunately in the first game she was last to find everyone, so we got to hear all her funny comments as she searched for us. I am already looking forward to next year!
Sunday we went to Robbie's first birthday party. He was so adorable eating his cake, until he realized the sugar was going to his head ;) For pictures check out facebook.
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