I know, I haven't posted in a long time. Truthfully there hasn't been much interesting going on to blog about. It's been a typical summer. We have spent time at my grandparents. Had some family dinners. Went to the mountains a couple times. Went to the beach once. Our house search has finally come to an end! If everything goes as planned we will close on August 29th. It leaves us two days to be out of the apartment. It's a cute house. Not as big as I originally wanted, nor does it have as much land. But it is ours, and I love it! I go today to meet with the inspectors, home and termite. Please pray that everything goes well. I can't wait to get in and start unpacking, decorating, and renovating! It has a BLUE jetted tub. Awesome right?

Here are some pics of the house from the seller site...

Work is about the same for me. John got a little bit of a promotion, he gets to stay in the office more, not as much travel. I appreciate knowing he won't be staying out of town as much. God really is blessing us everyday. More pics and house news to come!